The Dermalogica Skin Treatment 60 minutes...$80
This treatment forms the foundation of Dermalogica’s selection of services, and is truly revolutionary because it’s customized at every step by the skin therapist, based on your Face Mapping® skin analysis. The treatment will be unique to each individual client because of the use of our professional customization products, including Dermalogica’s unique Complexes, Exfoliants and Botanical Mixers throughout the step-by-step process to provide additional benefits to the client’s skin.
AGE smart® treatment 75 minutes...$120
This is the most powerful Dermalogica treatment, specially created for clients concerned with the signs of aging, premature-aging, and the signs of photoaging and sun-damage.
mediBac clearing® treatment 60 minutes...$80
Adult acne differs significantly from teen acne, both in its origins and its requirements for treatment. By definition, adult skin has begun to age. The aging process means that persistent redness and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation may linger even after acne lesions have cleared. And, the products formulated for teen acne may be too harsh for more fragile, more mature skin. This treatment is perfect for jump-starting an adult acne treatment regimen and is the perfect maintenance treatment for consistently clear skin.
PowerBright TRx Treatment 60 minutes...$80
Dermalogica’s new PowerBright TRx treatment is designed specifically to brighten, even skin tone and improve texture, all while preserving the integrity of the skin. Whether your client’s hyperpigmentation is caused by UV, hormones or inflammation, the goal of this treatment is to regulate and control pigment production while increasing the shedding of pigmented cells. It will be most effective when combined in a series and regular at home use of the PowerBright TRx products.
UltraCalmingTM treatment 60 minutes...$80
Super soothing UltraCalmingTM Treatment that brings relief from red, irritated, reactive and sensitized skin. Red, itching, burning skin – don’t conceal it. Control it! The Dermalogica UltraCalmingTM Treatment is serious relief for sensitized skin that calms, soothes and replenishes the most aggravated, irritated, inflamed skin. By targeting the triggers behind redness, itching and stinging, this treatment will help recover skin health for long-term relief from flare-ups.
UltraCalmingTM treatment 60 minutes...$80
Super soothing UltraCalmingTM Treatment that brings relief from red, irritated, reactive and sensitized skin. Red, itching, burning skin – don’t conceal it. Control it! The Dermalogica UltraCalmingTM Treatment is serious relief for sensitized skin that calms, soothes and replenishes the most aggravated, irritated, inflamed skin. By targeting the triggers behind redness, itching and stinging, this treatment will help recover skin health for long-term relief from flare-ups.